Make Your Next Training Webinar a “Can’t Miss”

There’s no denying the value of a webinar for training. Research conducted by Wainhouse Research, commissioned by Citrix Online, showed the following about webinars and their value in the training world:

  • The ability to save money on travel costs was the primary reason people utilized webinars.
  • Nearly 60 percent of respondents described the value of webinars as high.
  • There is an almost direct relationship demonstrated between the replacement of in-person training with the use of webinars.

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Empowering Your Employees Through Training

Employee training often gets a bad reputation, viewed as something that’s boring, mandatory and potentially useless.

Done well, training can be quite the opposite. Strong employee training can create a better workplace culture, improve safety and help employees feel not only prepared for the challenges of their job but also appreciated as if company leaders are willing to invest in them. Continue reading

The Case for Cross-Training Employees (and How to Do It)

Chris Cancialosi, a Forbes contributor, wrote a piece last fall entitled “Cross-Training: Your Best Defense Against Indispensable Employees.”

He went on to say this: “Imagine you’re part of a dangerous military combat operation. Suddenly, one of your team members with a mission-critical skill is injured or killed. Do you just pack up and go home? Of course not. In the military, cross-training is part of everyday life.” Continue reading