Here’s How to Hold Your Employees Accountable for Training and Performance—Without Micromanaging

As a manager or business leader often one of the last things you want to hear is that you’re seen as a micromanager. Micromanagement can not only be viewed as the ultimate sign of a poor leader, but it’s unlikely that you have the time or interest to manage every single minute facet of your employees’ performance. Continue reading

The Case for Cross-Training Employees (and How to Do It)

Chris Cancialosi, a Forbes contributor, wrote a piece last fall entitled “Cross-Training: Your Best Defense Against Indispensable Employees.”

He went on to say this: “Imagine you’re part of a dangerous military combat operation. Suddenly, one of your team members with a mission-critical skill is injured or killed. Do you just pack up and go home? Of course not. In the military, cross-training is part of everyday life.” Continue reading

5 Tips for Creating a Greener Workplace Through Sustainability Training

Sustainability is a big buzz word in the corporate world right now for many reasons. One is that companies are looking toward becoming greener in order to create a stronger and more appealing corporate identity. Becoming more sustainable can also help a business be more efficient in terms of money and resources, and there are even grants and government programs that reward businesses for their sustainability efforts. Continue reading