Building a Collaborative e-Learning Environment for Employee Training

Collaboration is an incredibly valuable workplace tool, particularly when it comes to training employees, yet it’s frequently overlooked.

With collaboration, you can strengthen not only the comprehension and retention factor of your employee training, but it’s also an important way to onboard employees and make them feel like a part of the workplace team. Continue reading

5 Ways to Market Your e-Learning Courses Like a Pro (Even On a Small Budget)

One of the many benefits of using a learning management system is not only delivering internal training, but it can also be used to make a profit. Increasingly businesses are making money by selling their e-Learning courses through their LMS platform’s eCommerce option, but as with any product you’re selling, how much profit you make is all about your marketing.

If you’re just delving into the world of eCommerce courses, consider the following five tips that will help you market your products like a pro, even on a small budget. Continue reading

Empowering Your Employees Through Training

Employee training often gets a bad reputation, viewed as something that’s boring, mandatory and potentially useless.

Done well, training can be quite the opposite. Strong employee training can create a better workplace culture, improve safety and help employees feel not only prepared for the challenges of their job but also appreciated as if company leaders are willing to invest in them. Continue reading