A Guide to Developing Your Virtual Training Strategy

There are many reasons you may be working toward the creation of a virtual training strategy. Some of these reasons include:

  • It’s less expensive to train employees in a virtual environment.
  • Your employees may be located in a variety of locations, making it difficult to come together in one location for training.
  • Virtual training allows you to utilize exciting new technologies to deliver more efficient learning experiences.
  • You may have at least a portion of your workforce that’s actually made up of virtual employees.

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Make Your Next Training Webinar a “Can’t Miss”

There’s no denying the value of a webinar for training. Research conducted by Wainhouse Research, commissioned by Citrix Online, showed the following about webinars and their value in the training world:

  • The ability to save money on travel costs was the primary reason people utilized webinars.
  • Nearly 60 percent of respondents described the value of webinars as high.
  • There is an almost direct relationship demonstrated between the replacement of in-person training with the use of webinars.

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Four Steps to Create a Winning Case for Employee Training

One of the biggest areas of resistance toward employee training comes from an unexpected place.

It’s not always the employees themselves who are hesitant to engage in a culture of learning.

It’s the C-suite.

High-level executives tend to be reluctant to embrace an emphasis on employee training, and it’s often up to training managers and HR professionals to convince them it’s a worthwhile endeavor. This can be particularly true when a company is considering a leap to a new style of training—e-Learning for example. Continue reading

7 Ways to Provide Meaningful Feedback During Training

One of our frequent tips to readers and clients here at eLeaP is to include at least some type of feedback within your e-Learning modules. Feedback is an important component of not just e-Learning but employee training in general. Without feedback, your employees are left without a sense of awareness in terms of how they’re performing. This often means not only does training not resonate as strongly as it would when paired with feedback, but there’s also little basis for improvement. Continue reading

Building a Collaborative e-Learning Environment for Employee Training

Collaboration is an incredibly valuable workplace tool, particularly when it comes to training employees, yet it’s frequently overlooked.

With collaboration, you can strengthen not only the comprehension and retention factor of your employee training, but it’s also an important way to onboard employees and make them feel like a part of the workplace team. Continue reading